Friday 5 December 2014

My bucket list

A “bucket list” is a list of things that you have not done before but want to do in your life (or before kicking the bucket)! My bucket list is a never-ending list, there's always something new that I want to do.  Probably the thing I like most doing is traveling, so my bucket list is full of dreamed trips to wherever, but there's one which I can't miss: New York! But I don't actually resign myself just to one trip, furthermore what I really would like is to live there.
So my Top 10 bucket list are: living in New York, taking 2 step years traveling around the world, writing a book, finding a missing link in human evolution, having another son or daughter, drinking water from an iceberg, being teacher in Canada, speak French, make a movie and meeting Paul Auster, my favorite writer.

What would you like to do before you kick the bucket? Have you already done your bucket list?

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Lead someone by the nose

Ana is my best friend since I was a teenager, we share pretty tastes and opinions. Usually we like the same books, and we enjoy watching the same movies, and several times we had chosen the same dresses, shoes, T-shirts or boots, even  we named our daughters Alba.  But when we talk about music we often disagree. I prefer Rock&Roll and she likes romantic music. Ana loves Antonio Orozco, she always sings his songs and talks about him. In my opinion he sounds a little corny and boring. Nowadays we are very busy, jobs, family, you know... but we always try to meet at least once at month. This month Antonio Orozco is coming to Valencia and she wants than we waste our month date going to his concert. Is she crazy? I'm not going even if she leads me by the nose.

Thursday 13 November 2014

A bee in my bonnet

This week I have a bee on my bonnet, I can stop thinking that my sisters' birthday are coming.
I have two sisters and both of them were born in November, my sister Marta on 22nd and my sister María on 27th, so I must buy two awesome presents for them.
I've been thinking what might be the perfect present for each, but I haven't arrived to any finding so what can I do? This time I'won't buy clothes nor perfumes, I'd like something special, something that they can't forget. Maybe a book for Marta, perhaps an old picture for María.  I really don't know what I'm going to do do. I have a bee in my bonnet and I can't sleep.
What about you? Do you have a bee in your bonnet?

Tuesday 4 November 2014

The best thing since sliced bread

Most of us have heard the saying, “That’s the best thing since sliced bread!” What do you think is actually the best thing since sliced bread? In my opinion the best thing since sliced bread is the remote control. You can relax on your sofa meanwhile you are watching  a hundred of channels. Oh no, sorry, I was wrong, I didn't take the time to think about it. The best thing since sliced bread is the mobile, isn't it? You can be found by anybody, whenever and wherever you are, actually that doesn't sound pretty good. Ok, let me try again, the best thing since sliced bread is, is, is PIZZA!! YES, pizza is the best thing since sliced bread, it is a very big slice of bread, you can use almost anything as a pizza topping, sausage, bacon, green peppers, ham, mushrooms, onion, even pineapple, but of course you can't forget cheese, cheese is what makes pizza the best thing since sliced bread.

Maybe I'm not sure at all about what is the best thing since sliced bread, are you? 

Tuesday 21 October 2014

On your bike

Usually when I take the train, I always try to get a single seat. I love talking, but after four hours talking about the Palaeolithic, yesterday I actually needed a break, just reading or listening to some music, but the train was really crowded so I had to sit next to other woman.
Sincerely I didn't keep attention about her, I just took the seat and I opened my book, it's very interesting and I wanted to keep reading, that was what I tried when the woman siting next to me started to talk. First I didn't realise that she was telling me about her whole life. I always try to be polite, so I smiled to her and after few seconds I came back to my book, but she kept telling me a lot of stories that I didn't care, even I was very tired and I did want to read, I looked up to her and I smiled again, but I said nothing.
When I though that I could read my book, she touched me and said "Please, listen to me, when I was seven years old..." then I blew up and shouted her "Get on your bike"
This week I'm going to ask you a new writing prompt, on your bike I'm sure that you're going to guess the meaning of this idiom.

Tuesday 14 October 2014


  • I saw a saw that could out saw any other saw I ever saw
  • Selly sold sea shels on the sea floor to buy some sea shels on the other side of the sea floor.
  • Purple Paper People, Purple Paper People, Purple Paper People
  • Red lorry, yellow lorry, red lorry, yellow lorry.
  • What noise annoys an oyster most? A noisy noise annoys an oyster most. 
  • I thought a thought. But the thought I thought wasn't the thought I thought I thought. If the thought I thought I thought had been the thought I thought, I wouldn't have thought so much.
  • A problem of solving a problem is not a problem but when a problem solves a problem without any problem then the problem is not at all a problem.
  • Fresh fried fish, Fish fresh fried, Fried fish fresh, Fish fried fresh.
  • I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I won't wish the wish you wish to wish. 
  • How much wood would a woodcut cut if a woodcut would cut wood

Do you notice any difference?
"The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plane"

"In Hertford, Hereford and Hampshire, hurricanes hardly ever happen" 

Tuesday 7 October 2014

You're on the thin ice

Hi guys!

This week we're going to work with the idiom "You're on the thin ice"
Being on the thin ice has two meanings, the literal meaning-on ice that is too thin to support one. But obviously I'm not asking for that one, when you're on the thin ice, you're in a risky situation. You're already in trouble, and can't afford another mistake.

 On the other hand, I want to invite you to listen to U2's song I still haven't found what I'm looking for while you're playing Lyrics Game: Instructions; click on the timer, listen to the Youtube video and type (in the pink space and in any order) the words you hear.
See you at class ;)

Monday 29 September 2014

Something funny

Sometimes it is very dificult to Spanish speakers to pronunce some sounds, words or sentences in English. But, do you actually think that it is easier to English speakers our language? Here you have some curious examples.


Hi guys!

As you told me at class, some of you have had problems with the book online.
If you want to practice English online and your codebook is not available, you can use this blog.
I would like this blog to become an extra tool for our classes. 
Every week we will choose a new topic to discuss at the blog.
I invite you to share videos, blogs, activities or whatever you know or find to learn English on line. And if you have any question, please ask me.

See you at class