Wednesday 11 February 2015

Far and wide

Once upon a time, a young little girl who lived in a small village had a dream, a secret dream. Every single day the young little girl had to feed the pigs, the chickens, the hens and the rabbits, of her parent's farm. Although she liked animals she'd like to drive, but she was too young, so she resigned herself reading about cars.
This was the way that she spent all her time off, she wished a red car, a red Land Rover which she´d drive far and wide.
She could imagine herself driving in the route 66, crossing on her red Land Rover the E15 or the Great Ocean Road. But she was still living in the small village and she still was a young little girl. Nevertheless she didn't stop dreaming about driving far and wide the world.


  1. todo el mundo quiere un range rover :/

  2. Once upon a time, there was a little boy called Eustaquio who lived in a small Spanish town. Eustaquio was a basquetball player but in his town, he had no future. He wanted to play in the NBA in the USA and travel far and wide. He watched all the American matches on TV and he dreamed of being one of them.
    But his parents didn´t have any money to send him to America. He trained every day in winter and he worked in summer to earn money and travel to the USA. After two years he had enough money to take a plane. He went to LA and he became a famous basquetball player and he could fulfill his dream of traveling far and wide.

    1. Yeah! I've listenned about Eustaquio Jordan 😜

  3. Hi Paula, I've invented a story usind the idiom "far and wide". You will see, it's just another example of a happy ending story, but I think it's OK:
    Once upon a time there was an ordinary girl, living an ordinary life in an ordinary town. But she
    was tired of it. She wanted to become a singer, a famous singer, the best in the world if that
    could be possible. She knew those things couldn’t happen to everyone and that they were only
    a teenager’s dream, but, well, then, she kept dreaming.
    She loved music, it was her passion. She always said that she couldn’t imagine her life without
    music. And she loved singing, too. Everyone told her that she had a very, very good voice, but
    she didn’t believe them. They were her friends, what were they going to tell her? That she
    sounded worse than a cat in the water, or anything else? Of course they weren’t! But, OK,
    something that she couldn’t deny was that, sometimes, when she was alone, she liked singing
    in front of her mirror, imagining that she was singing to a lot of people. She imagined she
    sounded well singing, and that everyone loved her, and that a lot of people asked her for an
    autograph or a photo when she was walking on the street… Well, that’s what I call a good
    Now I’m turning back to the story. As I was saying everyone told her she sang very well and she
    didn’t believe them. But, privately, she wished some sort of miracle happened, and she could
    become famous. Very, very privately.
    You can imagine, that miracle happened. What a story would this be if nothing happened!
    Well, I was saying the miracle became truth. One day she heard about a contest. A singing
    contest! Oh, she was so happy! It isn’t necessary to say that then, she remembered that she
    “sang so bad”. But, she had to try it, she had to!
    The first thing she did when she arrived at home was telling that to her mother. Oh, how
    difficult was it for her to convince her mother! Finally, she got registered on that contest. But
    she had to pass so many proves before she was finally admitted in the contest. “Oh, I’m never
    gonna enter this! Remember, you have to try…” she thought.
    It is something silly, again, to tell you that she entered the contest, but I have to. She was so
    happy, happy as she had never been. Now she was so sure of herself. She was so motivated!
    And she passed prove after prove, until she got to the Final prove. What an emotion! She was
    a finalist! Now she did only have to sing a song, a single song, and then juries would decide.
    But, oh, she was so nervous!
    And, guess what (I’m sure you do)? She won. She won!! She was the winner! She couldn’t
    believe it! Oh, she had won, she had won!!! The notice ran far and wide in her town, then in
    her country, then all over the world!! (OK, maybe not that far) She became famous in a
    moment, and all her live changed. Oh, how happy she was…

    1. Lol, maybe it's the typical happy endiing but I've amused reading it 😂😂
