Wednesday 26 November 2014

Lead someone by the nose

Ana is my best friend since I was a teenager, we share pretty tastes and opinions. Usually we like the same books, and we enjoy watching the same movies, and several times we had chosen the same dresses, shoes, T-shirts or boots, even  we named our daughters Alba.  But when we talk about music we often disagree. I prefer Rock&Roll and she likes romantic music. Ana loves Antonio Orozco, she always sings his songs and talks about him. In my opinion he sounds a little corny and boring. Nowadays we are very busy, jobs, family, you know... but we always try to meet at least once at month. This month Antonio Orozco is coming to Valencia and she wants than we waste our month date going to his concert. Is she crazy? I'm not going even if she leads me by the nose.


  1. Hi Paula! I've invented a story using the idiom "lead someone by the nose". Here it is:
    Last year, it was one of my sister’s friends communion. Our parents are friends, so they had invited me too. I didn’t want to go, so I told my mum:
    - Mum, do I really have to go to that communion? I don’t want, I’m sure there won’t be any one of my age, and I will be really bored. Please, can I stay at Grandma’s house, or anywhere, I don’t mind. But, please, don’t make me go there…
    - No Alba, I’m sorry, but you have to go. It would be very rude if you didn’t go… You’ll have to go –she said with voice mother’s use to convince their children, and that I really hate.
    - But Mum, you can’t understand it, Clara will have fun, and you two too, but not me… I can imagine it: everyone will be having a good fun except me. I will be there, sitting on a chair, looking at the glasses wondering which one is my glass, or looking anywhere, or trying to listen the things you will be talking about, or I don’t know what… -I said in a very, very, dramatic voice, and only exaggerating a bit, very sure that it was going to work (how stupid I was!).
    - Please Alba! That’s all rubbish. I’m sure that you will make new friends there, and if you’re right and there’s no one your age there, I will give you my phone, trust me.
    - Alba, that’s all rubbish! I’m sure that there will be people your age, blah blah blah –I said, in a very stupid and high-pitched voice, like imitating my mother.
    - Please, Alba, stop with that. You’re driving me mad. You will go, you want it or not. And you’ll have to take care of your sister if you continue disturbing me with all that rubbish.
    - Pfff Mum, you will NEVER understand me. Let’s see if you understand this: I won’t go, even if you lead me by the nose!
    And I went away, walking decidedly, like if I wanted to show my mother that I won’t change my opinion, even thought I was sure that my mother will do anything to make me go to that communion. And, guess what? I ended up going to that communion.

  2. In August was my birthday and I found out that Antonio Orozco gave a concert in gandia and I love Antonio Orozco then I told my mother:
    mum , mum Antonio Orozco comes to gandia. Can we go to the concert? And my mother told me, but that I don't like Antonio Orozco , however I thought but my aunt Vero if she likes , is more she love then I told to my mother and she said:
    Okay we'll see .
    Then on my birthday came all my friends home to celebrate , and also came my aunt when I heard my mother and my aunt called me, I went and they taught TICKETS CONCERT, I was very happy but my aunt could not go then I ask them :
    Because there are two tikets , and my mother said
    I'm going with you and my aunt say to me :
    You lead someone by the nose

  3. Yesterday, my mother wanted me to try some clothes on and I was with my mobile phone because I had finished my homework, but she said:
    -Ok, now come and try on the clothes!
    And I said :
    -No, not now.
    And she said :
    - You are coming now, even if I have to lead you by the nose!!

  4. On Saturdays I always go with my brother to a ''video club'' to choose a nice film but, last Saturday we were looking for a film when my brother said: -Today we are going to watch ''Lego'' and I said to him that he was wrong, because there was a lot of films more good, but he didn't stop saying that we were going to watch ''Lego''. Hence my mother said : please Paula, today as your brother want but the next Saturday you are going to choose the film. I think this for a long time but finally i said : I'm not going to take this film, even if you lead my by the nose.

  5. One day ,my sister Marta saw a commercial by TV that premiered a new Barbie film :-(
    She wanted to go to the cinema to see the film,of course, but she couldn't go alone,so she asked me to go to the cinema with her :-O
    And...I answer her:
    -I'll NEVER see this movie,although you lead me by the nose

    Hiii Paula.
    Today I'm going to talk about lead me by nose.
    Today mi family and I,went to Madrid to visited my grandsparents.When we arrived to Madrid my grandad said:
    -I have two tickets to go to Santiago Bernabeu.Who wants to go to Santiago Bernabeu with me??
    I said:
    My grandad said:
    -Can you see to Cristiano Ronaldo.
    I said:
    -Cristiano Ronaldo??? Yes,yes please. I ♡ you grandad.You're the best grandad in the world.
    And my brother said:
    -Cristiano Ronaldo i very very tacky because is he.
    I say:
    -Yes,yes,if yo what you.
    A later day my grandad and I went to Santiago Bernabeu and I am very very happy because I went to see to Cristiano Ronaldo. (;
    The Santiago Bernabeu it's very very big.I love Madrid,my grandad and Cristiano Ronaldo...
    In the Santiago Bernabeu a man said:
    -Cristiano Ronaldo,number seven:the people and I started to scream.
    This is my fauvorite day!!!!!
    Later we went to homeand my grandad said:
    -Lead by the nose.
    And I said:
    -Jeje yes grandad yes ,but I love you very very much.
    My grandad said:
    -I love you very very much too.Bye bye I go to bed.
    I said:
    -Good night grandad,and thank you.
    My grandad said:
    -Your welcome.
    And my grandad wents to bed and I went to sofa with my brother.

  7. last summer I wanted to go to aqualandia park, but my mum was very angry with me because I come home very late . I trie to apologize but it was useless. I help to him with her work but it was useless. Finally I made a present for she and she change the gesture of the face . After that my mum didn't want to go to Aqualandia Park but I lead she by the nose.

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  9. The next weekend play Valencia,Barca in Mestalla . I want yo go and ser the football gane , but I dont want yo go olone . Then I say yo Tomas , Hello Tomas Do you want yo go wiht me yo Mestalla and Tomas anwers I dont want yo go Mestalla I dont go les someone by thr nosr .
