Thursday 13 November 2014

A bee in my bonnet

This week I have a bee on my bonnet, I can stop thinking that my sisters' birthday are coming.
I have two sisters and both of them were born in November, my sister Marta on 22nd and my sister María on 27th, so I must buy two awesome presents for them.
I've been thinking what might be the perfect present for each, but I haven't arrived to any finding so what can I do? This time I'won't buy clothes nor perfumes, I'd like something special, something that they can't forget. Maybe a book for Marta, perhaps an old picture for María.  I really don't know what I'm going to do do. I have a bee in my bonnet and I can't sleep.
What about you? Do you have a bee in your bonnet?


  1. Yesterday, I went to a workshop to learn how to make a rose with clay with my friend Paula. First, I was very happy and relaxed. But then I remembered that next week we had four exams, and my happiness ended. I couldn’t stop thinking about the exams, or wondering when I was going to study, or what subject I was going to study first. I was very distracted and my rose was a mess. Then we went shopping. I wanted to show Paula a T-shirt that I liked and instead of saying: “Paula, come here! There’s a T-shirt you might like!” I said: “Paula, next week we’ve got a lot of exams!” And everyone in shop looked at me. But what could I do? I did have a bee in my bonnet.

    1. So, how did your exams go? Sincerely, I guess that they went OK :)

  2. This week I have a bee in my bonnet because I have a lot of exams and I have to go training and I have to do my homework but this is not the worst this week is my father´s birthday and he say:I want a original present. But I don´t have a original present I have a CUP NOOOOOOO! I have a bee in my bonnet

  3. Yesterday I was very happy but I remembered that week was the birthday of my cousin :0 I didn't have any present for her and that week was holiday and the shops were close. That week I could not sleep, because I had a bee in my bonnet.

  4. hi paula!
    Last thursday I noticed that Blanca was sad.I asked her what was wrong ,but she didn't tell me anithing .when I went home ,I couldn't sleep because I had a bee in my bonnet:I needed to help my friend!
    The next day,she told me what was wrong and we solve the problem.

  5. This weekend I had a bee in my bonet but I´m going to have it the rest of the month because...
    Last friday we choose the invisible friend.
    So, at the weekend i couldn’t stop thinking what I´m going to give to he or she. And if the present that I´m going to choose is fantastic to him.
    I don´t stop to think that he or she know that is my invisible friend too.

  6. Hola Paula!! Te ha llegado???

  7. jajajajaja menosmaal. I'm very happy. :-D
