Tuesday 7 October 2014

You're on the thin ice

Hi guys!

This week we're going to work with the idiom "You're on the thin ice"
Being on the thin ice has two meanings, the literal meaning-on ice that is too thin to support one. But obviously I'm not asking for that one, when you're on the thin ice, you're in a risky situation. You're already in trouble, and can't afford another mistake.

 On the other hand, I want to invite you to listen to U2's song I still haven't found what I'm looking for while you're playing Lyrics Game: Instructions; click on the timer, listen to the Youtube video and type (in the pink space and in any order) the words you hear.
See you at class ;)


  1. Hi Paula, I’ve invented a little story using the idiom “You’re on the thin ice”. Here it is:
    “Yesterday I was late to school. When I went into class, no one was surprised, it was the second time this year (you should know that I’m not very punctual). After an hour listening to our teacher’s boring explanation about how animals live, the break time arrived, and I met my friend.
    - I can’t believe it! You’ve been late again! –she said- It’s impossible! What happened today?
    - My alarm clock didn’t work –I said, but she didn’t seem to believe me.
    - Do you actually think our teachers are going to believe you? Well, if you do, I’ll tell you the truth: they won’t. And now you’re on the thin ice, one more time and you will be given a detention! How can’t you be worried?
    - I am, but not as worried as you! You look like my mother! I won’t be late again, I swear.
    - Really? Can I trust you?
    - Absolutely. And now, can we talk about interesting things, please?
    I think she was going to answer, but, as if it did it on purpose, the alarm sounded. Everyone went upstairs, some people were talking, others were playing with a ball, and there was a very small group of people studying (maybe they had an exam). Finally, everyone had gone out of the playground, and the classes started again, in my case, thinking about what I could do to avoid being late.”

  2. Hi Paula,
    One day my brother was running with my father to see who won a race.
    And my brother 's foot bent
    The next day he went to play tennis but my father said before he left that he was on thin ice, he didn´t hear what he said
    My brother finished his tennis class because he likes this a lot,
    but when he got home he couldn´t move it.

    1. Good story Paula, but not for your brother

  3. One day my friend Alberto and I went to the beach, we went swimming to much far. Alberto's father was angry with us and punished us. Next day my mother was very angry with me. I tried to apologize but she was angry, and said to me:-Samuel you was on the thin ice and you're not going to go away with your cousin.

  4. Hi Paula
    One day my aunt gave away a fairy for my and my mum says:
    -Let it in a good spot
    -Yes mum
    After study I break the fairy ,and my mum says :
    -You are on thin ice
    -Oh no !!!!
    -I will punish next time
    - Sorry mum
