Tuesday 21 October 2014

On your bike

Usually when I take the train, I always try to get a single seat. I love talking, but after four hours talking about the Palaeolithic, yesterday I actually needed a break, just reading or listening to some music, but the train was really crowded so I had to sit next to other woman.
Sincerely I didn't keep attention about her, I just took the seat and I opened my book, it's very interesting and I wanted to keep reading, that was what I tried when the woman siting next to me started to talk. First I didn't realise that she was telling me about her whole life. I always try to be polite, so I smiled to her and after few seconds I came back to my book, but she kept telling me a lot of stories that I didn't care, even I was very tired and I did want to read, I looked up to her and I smiled again, but I said nothing.
When I though that I could read my book, she touched me and said "Please, listen to me, when I was seven years old..." then I blew up and shouted her "Get on your bike"
This week I'm going to ask you a new writing prompt, on your bike I'm sure that you're going to guess the meaning of this idiom.


  1. One day, I was on the Marina and I sat next to a old man. I was with my basket ball and the old man said to me: my grandson is twelve years old. And I said: Me too!!!.And the old man saw a bird and he told me a story about a bird, but I was very tired and I stood up and I said to him: GET ON YOUR BIKE!!!!!

    1. Public transport, you never travel alone.

  2. on my bike
    I like to have company, but habeces think people you talk too much and I like alone in my seat cole, because sometimes there are so many people I talk I can not meet the teacher, the teacher yells SILENCE but nobody ecucha I also tried to be quiet because I care what the teacher says, until one day I marry the next door and said "get on your bike"

    1. Andrés, be careful you left some words in Spanish.

  3. Hi Paula! I’ve wrote a story using the idiom “get on your bike”. It’s also about books. Here it goes:

    “Yesterday, I bought a new book. I had been waiting for it for a very, very long time. I only wanted to start reading it, but first I had to do my homework. After one hour, more or less, of working, I took my book, opened it and started reading the first page. But I couldn’t read more than two lines, because my sister came into my bedroom saying:
    - Alba! Do you want to play with me? I’ve just finished my homework and...
    - Not now, Clara –I said- Let me read my book, you know I do really want to... Please, leave me alone for a while. Then I’ll play with you, I trust.
    - OK –she said, and she went out of the room, sadly.
    First I was a bit sad about my sister, maybe I had treated her a little bit bad... But I went back to my book and I ended up completely forgetting about Clara. But I couldn’t read so much because my sister came into my room again.
    - And now, Alba? Can we play now? –she said, I think, trying to look so desperately and bored- I’m so bored…
    - No Clara –I said, angrily-, it’s just been five minutes since you came here the first time! Can’t you wait more?
    - OK, sorry…
    And she went out of my room. This time I wasn’t sad, I was angry with my sister. She was really driving me mad!
    I could only read my book calmly for… ten more minutes. After this time, the door opened and…:
    - Alba! Alba! I’m sure you can play now! –she said, taking my arm- Come with me, I want to show you something…
    - No Clara! I’m just trying to read my book, but it looks impossible! Can’t you live without me? You can play alone, as I did before you were born!
    - But, please, Alba, just for a moment…!
    - No! No! I won’t play with you!
    - Yes, you will!
    - Get on your bike, Clara! OK? Leave me alone! –I said, going out of my bedroom, looking for a place where I could read calmly. I felt so bad because of the way that I’ve treated my sister, but she had finally drove me mad.

    1. Young sisters, sometimes they're so tiresome

  4. Hi Paula .
    One day i was doing some homework for the afternoon classes
    I was very nervous because I only had 30 minutes to do 15 activities .
    When I started to do it my brother didn´t stop to say:
    -What i have to do in this activity?
    -Look my new pen.
    -Do you like it?
    -What is the meaning of this word...?
    -Did you know what happened to me at school this morning?
    At the end I said:
    - Get on your bike.

  5. One day,I was talking with Aron about Blanca's birthday,when suddenly,she appeared behind me.
    -are you talking about me?? ╰_╯
    -no we aren't.Please Blanca get on your bike !!
    She was vey angry.But two weeks later,on her birthday,I gave her a BFF necklace and I make her ^O^

  6. Last year I´m studing and my brother said bertoo¡¡¡ Do you wanted play with the ball?
    And I said no sorry I`m studing
    he wents my room and he started making noises
    and I said GET ON YOUR BIKE¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

  7. Hi Paula
    One day,I go to Javier's house . Iplay whit alba and carmen but in evening i said:
    -Alba please silence I writing my diary
    -No I swin whit you
    -Alba, no silence
    -Look my draw pleaseeeeeeeee
    -Alba get on your bike
    But alba sing pepa pig music and my aunt said:
    -Alba be quiet
    -Yes mum ,sorry
