Friday 5 December 2014

My bucket list

A “bucket list” is a list of things that you have not done before but want to do in your life (or before kicking the bucket)! My bucket list is a never-ending list, there's always something new that I want to do.  Probably the thing I like most doing is traveling, so my bucket list is full of dreamed trips to wherever, but there's one which I can't miss: New York! But I don't actually resign myself just to one trip, furthermore what I really would like is to live there.
So my Top 10 bucket list are: living in New York, taking 2 step years traveling around the world, writing a book, finding a missing link in human evolution, having another son or daughter, drinking water from an iceberg, being teacher in Canada, speak French, make a movie and meeting Paul Auster, my favorite writer.

What would you like to do before you kick the bucket? Have you already done your bucket list?


  1. when we have to do this paula

  2. I had never thought seriously about what do I want to do before I kick the bucket (I’m only twelve!), so when you proposed this task at class, I started thinking and not a lot of things came to my mind. So when I first wrote my bucket list, it was full of silly things. I decided that I needed time to think harder, there had to be something that I really want to do! Difficult, it was, but after hours and hours thinking, my bucket list came out of my mind. It isn’t very long, but, however, they are the only things that I want to do at the moment, although I’m sure the most of them is going to disappear of my list when I get older, and other things will be added. So, here is my bucket list:
    • Travelling to England, or even live there, because I would like to be in a place where everybody speaks English, it would be very strange, and I would learn a lot of English and because a lot of the famous singers and actors come from England. I think it’s a very beautiful place, and with a lot of different cultures, so it would be interesting to live there.
    • Writing a book (and, why not, a bestseller), because I like writing and I would be very happy if one of my book gets published in the future, and I would become famous so my partners would say to their daughters or sons: “look at her, I was in her class”.
    • Learning French, because I like that language, and I would have more possibilities to get a good job. Unfortunately, now we don’t have that subject at our school.
    • Meeting someone famous, because my friends are always meeting actors, or singers, and if I met one, I could tell that to my partners and boaster about that. That’s one of the things that I think, as time goes by, is going to disappear from my bucket list.
    • Travelling to Sweden and stay in the ice hotel, because I think it would be amazing to stay in a place where you drink from ice glasses, sleep on ice beds, eat on an ice table… Also, I think it’s very beautiful. And I could visit Sweden, although it would be very, very cold!
    • Watch a real meteor shower, because every year I try to, but I only see one or two shooting stars.

  3. My name is Santi, I have twelve years old, I am still very young but throughout my life I would like to complete my bucket list. So my top 10 list are:
    Visit italy because I like the pizza very much and in Italy they make the best pizza in the world.
    Watch a game of All Blaks they are my favorite team.
    Be a great rugby player and play a game of professional rugby league conjugators.
    Learn some magic trick very difficult to do and that is awesome because I love the magic.
    To have an exotic animals as a chamaleon.
    To discover new and strange things.
    Find a legendary mystery as a Stonehenge.
    Parachute jump from an airplane to fly high.
    Take a trip around the world in a hege ship.
    Go to the Tomatina in Buñol i love the tomatoes.

  4. My bucket list is very long. I often tell to my mother many things that I want to do before I kick the bucket . I think my bucket list will never end because every day I think another new thing.
    Probably my bucket list is about travels .
    -Travelling to London with my mother or living for a month there because I want to learn english and I want to visit the Big Ben , the London Eye, Harrods , some museums...
    - Travelling to Egypt to visit the pyramids , the Valley of the Kings ...
    -Travelling for a year around the world .
    -Meeting Malu , but I think when I will be older it disappear from the bucket list.
    - Travelling to New York for visit it .
    -Studying to be a doctor , teacher or archeology.
    And more things.
