Tuesday 4 November 2014

The best thing since sliced bread

Most of us have heard the saying, “That’s the best thing since sliced bread!” What do you think is actually the best thing since sliced bread? In my opinion the best thing since sliced bread is the remote control. You can relax on your sofa meanwhile you are watching  a hundred of channels. Oh no, sorry, I was wrong, I didn't take the time to think about it. The best thing since sliced bread is the mobile, isn't it? You can be found by anybody, whenever and wherever you are, actually that doesn't sound pretty good. Ok, let me try again, the best thing since sliced bread is, is, is PIZZA!! YES, pizza is the best thing since sliced bread, it is a very big slice of bread, you can use almost anything as a pizza topping, sausage, bacon, green peppers, ham, mushrooms, onion, even pineapple, but of course you can't forget cheese, cheese is what makes pizza the best thing since sliced bread.

Maybe I'm not sure at all about what is the best thing since sliced bread, are you? 


  1. The best thing since sliced is a pizza.Ithink in the most beautiful in the worl.My favourite pizza is 4 estaciones.MMMmmmmhhh is beautiful

  2. Un my opinión the best thing of since slied bread is the weekend because you can get up when you want , bit thw truth is that they alzó hace to study for the next week and do homework...
    I think the best thing of since slied bread is the beach ir it would the summer without the beach , bit con the beach you can sting jellyfish.
    I think the best think of since slied bread are the wasap emoticonos , they are the best , all about them express : happy��, frighten��, angry��...

  3. I think the best thing since sliced bred is out with friends, because it's funny and you can go to the cinema, to the shopping centre... And you can play with the play3 too. But I'm not sure ;)

  4. In my opinion the best thing sinse slice bread is chocolate. You can have it in many ways can be hot chocolate, chocolate cookies, chocolate cup cakes, chocolate with bread , chocolate ice cream ...
    It is delicious.
    Sorry I'm not sure , it maybe ice cream you can have it as you want. No sorry , because what do you do in winter?
    Ok , maybe televisión. You can watch films, channels , listen music , also in some TV you can watch youtube videos ...
    I'm not sure because there are lot of things that are the best thing since sliced ​​bread.

  5. I think the best thing since sliced bread is… music! But any kind of music, just the music you like. I think it’s music because you can relax, for example, reading a book and listening to music. And sometimes music makes things funnier, I mean, if you’re doing something you don’t like listening to music, you aren’t as bored a if you were doing it without music. And, nowadays, it’s very easy to have your favourite music with you, you just have to download it to your mobile. At least, for me, music is the best thing since sliced bread. (Although there are a lot of good things in this world!!!)

  6. In my OPINION the best thing since slice bread is gorjuss . Because is different .are original and is cool. I love gorjuss and I think are beutiful .

    1. Blanca, sorry, I don't know what is "gorjuss"
