Wednesday 26 November 2014

Lead someone by the nose

Ana is my best friend since I was a teenager, we share pretty tastes and opinions. Usually we like the same books, and we enjoy watching the same movies, and several times we had chosen the same dresses, shoes, T-shirts or boots, even  we named our daughters Alba.  But when we talk about music we often disagree. I prefer Rock&Roll and she likes romantic music. Ana loves Antonio Orozco, she always sings his songs and talks about him. In my opinion he sounds a little corny and boring. Nowadays we are very busy, jobs, family, you know... but we always try to meet at least once at month. This month Antonio Orozco is coming to Valencia and she wants than we waste our month date going to his concert. Is she crazy? I'm not going even if she leads me by the nose.

Thursday 13 November 2014

A bee in my bonnet

This week I have a bee on my bonnet, I can stop thinking that my sisters' birthday are coming.
I have two sisters and both of them were born in November, my sister Marta on 22nd and my sister María on 27th, so I must buy two awesome presents for them.
I've been thinking what might be the perfect present for each, but I haven't arrived to any finding so what can I do? This time I'won't buy clothes nor perfumes, I'd like something special, something that they can't forget. Maybe a book for Marta, perhaps an old picture for María.  I really don't know what I'm going to do do. I have a bee in my bonnet and I can't sleep.
What about you? Do you have a bee in your bonnet?

Tuesday 4 November 2014

The best thing since sliced bread

Most of us have heard the saying, “That’s the best thing since sliced bread!” What do you think is actually the best thing since sliced bread? In my opinion the best thing since sliced bread is the remote control. You can relax on your sofa meanwhile you are watching  a hundred of channels. Oh no, sorry, I was wrong, I didn't take the time to think about it. The best thing since sliced bread is the mobile, isn't it? You can be found by anybody, whenever and wherever you are, actually that doesn't sound pretty good. Ok, let me try again, the best thing since sliced bread is, is, is PIZZA!! YES, pizza is the best thing since sliced bread, it is a very big slice of bread, you can use almost anything as a pizza topping, sausage, bacon, green peppers, ham, mushrooms, onion, even pineapple, but of course you can't forget cheese, cheese is what makes pizza the best thing since sliced bread.

Maybe I'm not sure at all about what is the best thing since sliced bread, are you?